2011 Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness International Essay Contest

“Building a New Global Partnership for Effective Aid & Development”

The Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4) will take place in Busan, Korea, from 29 November to 1 December 2011. The HLF-4 presents a unique opportunity for achieving better aid and development through more effective, harmonized cooperation among governments, civil societies and private sectors. This multi-stakeholder event will seek a new vision and strategies for more effective and inclusive development partnership to meet new development challenges and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015.


As a preparatory event for the HLF-4, the Government of the Republic of Korea would like to host the 2011 HLF-4 International Essay Contest in order to share young people’s inspiration on aid and development that have affected their own lives. Young people from around the world are invited to submit their innovative ideas on effective aid and development.



  • Vision of Youth on Effective Aid & Development



  1. Essays may be submitted by anyone ages 18 to 32 (as of December 1, 2011).
  2. Essays must be 2000 words or less and in English.
  3. Essays must have a cover page indicating the (1) essay title (2) name (3) address (4) contact number (5) e-mail address (6) nationality (7) age as of December 1, 2011 (8) gender (9) school name (if applicable) and (10) word count.
  4. Entries may be submitted online, hlf4_essay@mofat.go.kr
  5. Essays must be original and unpublished.
  6. Essays must be written by one person. Co-authored essays will not be accepted.
  7. Copyright of the essays entered will be assigned to the event organizers.

3. DEADLINE:  Entries must be received by October 7, 2011.

4. AWARD:   

  •  1st Prize – Certificate and Prize of $ 2,000     1 entrant
  •  2nd Prize – Certificate and Prize of $ 1,000    2 entrants
  • 3rd Prize – Certificate and Prize of $ 200       5 entrants

* The 1st prize and 2nd prize winners will be invited to the Youth Forum which will be held during the HLF-4 as one of its special events. (Travel expenses and accommodation will be covered by the Government of Korea)

** All prize winners will be announced in October 2011 on the HLF-4 website ( www.busanhlf4.org ).


For questions relating to the essay contest please email: hlf4_essay@mofat.go.kr


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9 thoughts on “2011 Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness International Essay Contest”

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  5. hay…. aq bisa ikutan ga???
    harus daftar dulu ya?? ato cuma anggota kisara aja yg bisa??
    tolong infonya ya 😀

    1. Hai ayu, kamu bisa ikutan kok. Kompetisi ini di buka untuk umum sesuai umur yang udah ditentukan. Jadi walaupun kamu bukan relawan KISARA, kamu bisa ikutan, yang penting sesuai dengan syarat yang udah ditentukan 🙂

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